
  • Т. І. Кривомаз Київський національний університет будівництва та архітектури, м. Київ


ecological safety, radiation, slime molds, bioindication, certification.


The result of radiation monitoring for 59 herbarium specimens of 22 nivicolous
myxomycetes species from 6 slopes in Ukrainian Carpathians (Volosyanka, Hymba, Goverla,
Dragobrat, Ozirna, Tovstiy Grun) was found that the power of ambient equivalent dose ionizing
radiation of studied myxomycetes didn’t exceed of acceptable levels. The nivicolous myxomycetes
are mainly dark-spores species, so the presence of melanin pigments allows to this ecological group
adapts to extreme environmental conditions in the highlands during sudden temperature changes
and under radiation. Power average ambient equivalent dose of ionizing radiation for nivicolous
myxomycetes increases according to the increasing of height for four from the six surveyed
localities. Perspectives of nivicolous myxomycetes were shown for managing of practical problems
in environmental safety.


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How to Cite

Кривомаз, Т. І. (2015). РАДІАЦІЙНИЙ КОНТРОЛЬ НІВАЛЬНИХ МІКСОМІЦЕТІВ КАРПАТ. Ecological Safety and Balanced Use of Resources, (2(12), 71–80. Retrieved from https://ebzr.nung.edu.ua/index.php/ebzr/article/view/177



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