
  • O. Adamenko Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



hairy rhino, mammoth, Pleistocene, natural monument, geopark, tourist and recreational business, mud volcano, folded-slab structure


The world-known paleontological location of the fossil fauna of the Pleistocene (42-10 thousand years ago) of the four hairy rhinos Rhinoceros antiquitatis Blum, and the mammoth Mammuthus primigenius Blum, and the only active mud mud volcano in the Carpathians, were declared in 1984. a geological monument of nature of the national significance of "Starunia". The monument is located on the south-western outskirts of the village. Starunya Bogorodchany district of Ivano-Frankivsk region, 25 km from the regional center. Several aspects of the significance of the monument are allocated for: 1) the development of a natural reserve fund, raising the category of the heritage from the "natural monument" to the "geopark of the Ice Age"; 2) the development of tourism and recreational business; 3) solving important scientific problems, in particular, determining age rappers and periodization of global climate change; 4) assessment of the role of surface and deep sources of migration of carbohydrate compounds, which is important for forecasts of oil and gas content of the Carpathian region; 5) substantiation of medical and therapeutic possibilities by organizing a salt-mud-ozotokeritovy sanatorium; 6) raising the socio-economic level of the village and district, creating new jobs for the population.
In the history of the research of Staruny, the stages of the opening of the mammoth fauna in 1907 and 1929, the appearance of a mud volcano in 1977, scientific Ukrainian-Polish expeditions with well drilling, geophysical and geochemical research in 2004-2008, the publication of monographs in 1914, 2004, 2005 , 2009 and 2017 years. The insufficient attention of the authorities to the study of Staroy and the enthusiasm of academics is critically appraised.
The mechanism of the formation of the geoactive zone in the Starunsky fold is proposed, due to the constant pressure of the Carpathian chinks - folds, which were squeezed from the depths to the surface of oil, gas, mineralized water, mud, etc. This created the appropriate conditions for the formation of ozokerite deposits, deposits of oil and gas, mud volcano, salt griffins, embalming of mammoth fauna. The author proposes to organize the Starunsky geodynamic ground and raise the status of the geological nature monument of the national importance of "Starunya" to the international geopark of the Ice Age.


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