
  • N. Glibovytska Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • Kh. Karavanovych Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



adaptation, destructive processes, oil field, plants, environmental factors, environment.


The authors investigate the adaptive and destructive reactions of tree plants in response to oil pollution of the environment. The article states the decrease of vitality of the investigated plants according to a suite of metrics on cellular, organ, organism and population levels of the biosystem organization. Vegetative organs size reduction, asymmetry and necrotic damage of leaf blades, reduction of water saturation and increase of ash-content of dry material of tree leaves are revealed. The authors highlight the deterioration of the buffer system of the leaves protoplast as the cells that are the most sensitive to changes in the internal and external environment of plants organs.

Premature defoliation and colour change of tree crowns are the signs of organism aging which is the consequence of contamination, free radical processes. Based on the set of vitality parameters the tree species are placed in the row in accordance with the decrease of their stability: walnut → common sea buckthorn→ drooping birch → big-leaf linden → Norway maple→ little-leaved linden → ordinary horse chestnut.

The Norway maple, big-leaf linden, little-leaved linden, ordinary horse chestnut should be used in the phytoindicative studies of technologically transformed ecosystems. In the oil-polluted environment the destructive processes in the organisms of these species dominate over the adaptive ones. It is proved by the presence of pests and tree plants diseases caused by them. The protective mechanisms of the above mentioned plants, depleted in long-term stresses are unable to counter parasites, therefore the species cannot perform an environment-cultivative function effectively.

Walnut, drooping birch, common sea buckthorn are well adapted to stressful conditions of growth and are recommended for the amenity planting at the oil-contaminated areas in order to reclaim them. These tree species have such adaptive features as relative stability of the buffer system of assimilation organs cells, low level of necrosis, protection against metals and other pollutants.


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How to Cite

Glibovytska, N., & Karavanovych, K. (2018). ADAPTIVE AND DESTRUCTIVE PROCESSES OF DENDROLOGICAL OBJECTS UNDER OIL CONTAMINATION CONDITIONS. Ecological Safety and Balanced Use of Resources, (2(18), 38–43.
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