Environmental Pollution:Factors and Indicators of Ecological Safety of the Refinery


  • M. Bohuslavets JSC "Naftokhimik Prykarpattya"
  • L. Cheliadyn Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • D. Kryka Ivano Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas




environmental safety of the object; factors and coefficient in the hydrosphere, atmosphere and pedosphere


The article provides the quantitative and qualitative description of the pollution of atmosphere with emissions and of hydrosphere with sewage and man-made wastes in Ukraine, in particular in Ivano-


Frankivsk oblast, as they are the main factors of environmental pollution in the region. Three significant environmental hazards are  described.  Sewage  treatment  in  Ivano-Frankivsk  oblast  produces  about  50 mln. m3 of sludge per year. Solid wastes in the form of sludges, related primarily to the operation of mining, power and petrochemical enterprises, occupy large areas. Up to 10% of them are utilized and much less (up to 1%) are processed into useful products. The sludge from oil refinery is mainly accumulated in sludge pits and partially removed to the dump for disposal. It has been shown that sewage treatment from oil refinery has the greatest impact on the reduction in environmental pollution, since the determined contamination factor of hydrosphere is the maximum among the contamination factors of atmosphere and pedosphere. The authors have provided the algorithm for calculating the integrated environmental safety index of an enterprise (IESIE) based on the data processing for PJSC “Naftokhimik Prykarpattia” and contamination factors. In order to calculate this index it is necessary to take into account the production activity of the enterprise for a certain period of time and the costs on environmental needs based on the waste treatment and disposal technologies. IESIE for the enterprise has been gradually rising for 3 years, which indicates the improvement of the environment. The major total costs on the oil refinery’s environmental measures have increased approximately by 47% due to the financing of water treatment measures.


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How to Cite

Bohuslavets, M., Cheliadyn, L., & Kryka, D. (2020). Environmental Pollution:Factors and Indicators of Ecological Safety of the Refinery. Ecological Safety and Balanced Use of Resources, (2(20), 43–49. https://doi.org/10.31471/2415-3184-2019-2(20)-43-49



Environmental Problems of the Oil and Gas Complex
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