Implementation of the indicators of the activity of soil enzymes in the calculation of optimum doses of agents substrates in developing new ways of bioremediation of soil contaminated by oil and petroleum products


  • М. Mykytsei Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • T. Kundelska Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



contaminated soil, catalase activity, petroleum products, test substrate, bioremediation, background index


The correlation between the biological activity of soils has been proved, which should be expressed both by the activity index of catalase enzyme and state of the enzymological soil complex as a whole under the conditions of natural background and in soils contaminated by petroleum products. It has been discovered that the application of any nutritious substrate in the contaminated soil affects the increase in the enzyme activity index, which proves the growth of the microbial population, and intoxication processes of the polluted environment due to the biological degradation of the pollutant. Based on the results of laboratory studies, it has been found reasonable to use a test substrate for bioremediation, which is obtained by mixing the equal weight parts of separate biohumus substrates. In this case, not only the greatest convergence of the final activity index of catalase enzyme with the background and the highest degree of biodegradation are observed, but also the decrease in time before the catalase activity index stabilizes, which corresponds to the final stage of the microbial biomass succession in the soil. Based on the results of scientific literature analysis and long-term experiments, the optimum application dose has been selected for the recommended substrate type. The authors have developed a new approach to applying and adjusting the doses of active agents-substrates in the bioremediation process of oil- contaminated lands which uses the biological activity indexes in the soil. This helps to take into account the self-recovering capacity of soil, its orientation and natural provision of the recovering area with necessary conditions for the effective biodegradation of hydrocarbon compounds. The technological process of recovery has been simplified, which allows using active components more rationally and accelerating the practical implementation in specific contaminated areas.


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How to Cite

Mykytsei М., & Kundelska, T. (2020). Implementation of the indicators of the activity of soil enzymes in the calculation of optimum doses of agents substrates in developing new ways of bioremediation of soil contaminated by oil and petroleum products. Ecological Safety and Balanced Use of Resources, (2(20), 33–42.



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