
  • Alexandre-Junior ILUNGA WA ILUNGA Zhongnan University of Economics and Law




Environmental justice, free, prior and informed consent, indigenous peoples


The implementation of the nature conservation project in the Democratic Republic of Congo has
caused upheaval among indigenous communities in the wake of the decision to evict them from their land
without compensation or indemnification.
However, in addition to the proposed law on the protection and promotion of the rights of
indigenous peoples in the DRC, which is currently being drafted in parliament and which will have to be
promulgated by the President of the Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo has ratified several
international legal instruments relating to human rights and, by extension, to the rights of indigenous
peoples, in which the Principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent is expressed in various ways. This
principle calls for the participation of indigenous peoples at two levels: at the level of decision-making
that may affect their right to the environment, but also at the level of policy-making aimed at protecting
the environment, as local knowledge is indispensable. However, despite the existing legal order, the
implementation of this environmental justice of indigenous peoples seems to be ineffective. The greatest
challenge remains its implementation. Many agree that international human rights law is even better when
it comes to environmental protection. Some point out that environmental protection can be a condition for
the enjoyment of other human rights.
In addition to the right to the environment, indigenous peoples have the right to enjoy their
territories, lands and natural resources; but they also have the right to participate in environmental
The fact remains that legislative and judicial weaknesses remain major obstacles to the
effectiveness and efficiency of environmental justice for indigenous peoples, for whom legal and judicial
reform remains a panacea. To this end, it would be more appropriate to accelerate the process of
promulgating the law on the protection and promotion of the rights of indigenous peoples, in which their
status must be well defined. This will give them standing to sue in the future. The interdisciplinary nature
of environmental law also requires the creation of chambers specialising in environmental law within the
Congolese judicial system.


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How to Cite

ILUNGA WA ILUNGA, A.-J. (2022). RIGHT TO THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO. Ecological Safety and Balanced Use of Resources, (1(25), 14–21. https://doi.org/10.31471/2415-3184-2022-1(25)-14-21



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