Ensuring environmental safety by disposing of drilling waste


  • A. Titova Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University
  • V. Shmandiі Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University
  • O. Kharlamova Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University
  • T. Ryhas Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University




екологічна безпека, відходи буріння, управління відходами, рекультивація, утилізація


Drilling waste is generated in the process of oil and gas production. In our country, sludge pits are
most often used for their utilization, which are located directly on the territories of drilling stations, which
requires significant free space. The fewer areas are allocated for waste storage, the more opportunities
will be for rational use of land resources. Especially in the war and post-war period, the availability of
vacant areas is of great importance. In order to reduce the level of danger posed by sludge pits, as well as
to reduce the area for their placement, the problem of utilization of drilling waste, namely drilling mud is
studied. The properties of waste are established and the results of monitoring the state of the environment
in the area of waste disposal are analyzed. The situations in the absence of waste in a certain area and in
the period when the waste began to be used in the technological process are comparatively analyzed. The
expediency of using the method of waste disposal, which consists in using the dry residue of drilling mud
in the reclamation of landfills, is substantiated. The application of this method gives an environmental
effect on the reuse of drilling waste, as well as solves the problem of reclamation of landfills. Thus, a
number of measures are implemented to prevent the adverse effects of drilling waste and solid waste
landfill on the environment. No negative impact on the environment was observed when the solid residue
of drilling mud was used as an insulating material and technical soil was applied for strengthening the
slopes at the landfill. There was a tendency of improved water quality. No negative impact on soils and
groundwater was recorded. Compaction of household waste with dry drilling mud residue did not worsen
the landfill degassing process. Extraction and utilization of biogas took place in the optimal mode.
Based on our research findings, we have come to the conclusion that the dry residue of drilling mud
obtained by the technology “Filter Pool” should be used not only for layering and strengthening the
slopes of the landfill, but also in the process of reclamation. This gives both economic and environmental
effects. At the same time, the number of drilling mud pits is reduced, waste disposal issues are resolved,
the estimated cost of landfill and landfill reclamation works is reduced, and the costs of drilling waste
disposal are reduced



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How to Cite

Titova, A., Shmandiі V., Kharlamova, O., & Ryhas, T. (2022). Ensuring environmental safety by disposing of drilling waste. Ecological Safety and Balanced Use of Resources, (1(25), 42–48. https://doi.org/10.31471/2415-3184-2022-1(25)-42-48



Environmental Problems of the Oil and Gas Complex
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