
  • V. Hulevskyi Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
  • Y. Postol Dmitro Motorni Tavria State Agrotechnological University



Environmental pollution negatively affects natural resources, in particular water bodies. Sewage can easily penetrate the soil and even the liquid that supplies residential and public buildings. Treatment of waste water and technical fluids is necessary to improve the ecological situation.

Liquid pollution accumulates at enterprises of machine building, metalworking, metallurgy, transport and even agriculture. Over the last decade, the composition of pollutants has undergone significant changes. This is due to the reduction in the use of production processes that conserve water resources, the refusal to build local treatment facilities, etc.

Pollution is the presence of various types of harmful substances in water, for each of which different cleaning methods are used, namely:

  • for water-insoluble pollutants, gravity methods are used;
  • filtration, settling, coagulation - used for substances that form hydrophobic and hydrophilic systems with water;
  • nanofiltration, sorption - purify water from soluble organic compounds.

In this way, the most appropriate cleaning systems are created that correspond to a certain level of contamination.

Recently, many new effective technologies for industrial wastewater treatment have been developed. The complexity of the cleaning task is determined by the nature of the pollution - usually a number of substances that require a different approach act as undesirable components. It is characteristic of water treatment facilities that they line up in a certain sequence. Such a complex is called a line of sewage treatment plants.

Some systems and types of equipment include different wastewater treatment methods. Due to the diverse content of wastewater entering treatment and the high requirements for water treatment, it is most appropriate to use mixed methods of treatment. For more complex pollution, it is necessary to use devices with a specific effect and special water purification technologies.

Each method of cleaning wastewater and technical liquids is carried out using different devices. Such actions will make it possible to increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment and achieve the highest level of water quality that meets the norms of the main technological processes for reuse.

In this regard, considerable attention is paid to the intensification of the processes of purification of wastewater and technical liquids, improvement of technological schemes, development of new effective methods and structures that allow to improve the quality of wastewater discharged into open reservoirs. , to reduce costs for purified water.


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How to Cite

Hulevskyi, V., & Postol, Y. (2023). PROSPECTS FOR IMPROVING THE TREATMENT OF WASTEWATER AND TECHNICAL FLUIDS. Ecological Safety and Balanced Use of Resources, (2(26), 143–148.



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