Modeling the process of mine water clarification using improved purification technology for water disposal conditions of operating coal mining enterprise


  • D. Kulikova Dnipro University of Technology



coal mining enterprise, mine water, suspended solids, mechanical treatment, horizontal sedimentation tank, clarification efficiency


The main difference between mine waters, which makes it difficult to clean them, is the presence of finely dispersed (less than 10 microns) aggregate-resistant coal and rock particles, the amount of which can be 50-70% of the total mass of mechanical impurities. Suspended solids that are contained in mine water play a significant role in the contamination of nearby surface water bodies, since they either contain many chemical pollutants or adsorb heavy metals, which indicates the importance of effective mine water settling. Modeling of the mine water clarification process using an improved treatment technology for the conditions of wastewater disposal of an operating coal mining enterprise (Stepova mine of DTEK Pavlohradcoal Private Joint-Stock Company) through the introduction of a horizontal sedimentation tank of a modernized design was carried out. Dependences (in the form of graphs and regression equations) between the depth of particle settling depending on their the different hydraulic size in the proposed sedimentation tank of an improved design, its length and the efficiency of clarification of mine water after its treatment with a coagulant solution (aluminum sulfate) have been established. Using these dependencies, it is possible to determine the value of the expected efficiency of mine water clarification and the hydraulic particle size of suspended particles that can settle to the bottom at the end wall of the proposed sedimentation tank. The overall efficiency of mine water clarification, which is pumped to the surface by the Stepova mine, after treatment in a modernized sedimentation tank and post-treatment in a mine water storage pond, will be 90-91% of the initial concentration of suspended solids. The final concentration of mechanical impurities after treatment according to the proposed improved technology does not exceed the maximum allowable standard for water bodies for cultural and community purposes in terms of the content of suspended solids.


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How to Cite

Kulikova, D. (2023). Modeling the process of mine water clarification using improved purification technology for water disposal conditions of operating coal mining enterprise. Ecological Safety and Balanced Use of Resources, (2(26), 133–142.



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