
  • L. Kozak Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas




Keywords: ecology energy efficiency, transport system, thermal and chemical emissions, energy recovery, urban transport.


The article deals with important issues of efficient use of energy and ecological safety of the environment, which are closely related to each other. Prospects for efficient use of fuel for increasing the total number of vehicles and increasing their speed characteristics have been analyzed. To do this, an analysis of energy consumption was carried out for two cases - the urban transport system and high-speed intercity connections. They studied the influence of various factors - speed, air resistance and friction on energy losses by vehicles and ways of reducing them. A transport system with a special profiled overpass, along which the vehicle moves under the influence of gravity, is considered. In such a transport system, energy for movement is periodically accumulated by raising the vehicle to a certain height at route stops. Due to the accumulation of potential energy, the movement of the vehicle is supported. Braking energy is used to accelerate it to the required speed. Due to the full recuperation of braking energy and a reduction in the rolling friction coefficient, a significant reduction in the total energy consumption for the movement of vehicles is achieved. The results of a comparative analysis of energy consumption for traditional urban transport with the proposed transport system are presented. In addition, the effect of rarefaction of air in special overpasses on the efficiency of energy consumption by vehicles was studied. With significant energy savings, the use of the proposed transport system will reduce chemical and thermal emissions and significantly improve the environment.


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How to Cite

Kozak, L. (2023). ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF INCREASE IN ENERGY INTENSITY TRANSPORT SYSTEMS. Ecological Safety and Balanced Use of Resources, (2(26), 48–57. https://doi.org/10.31471/2415-3184-2022-2(26)-48-57



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